Posted under Agilent/HP, Fiber Analyzers & Certifiers
The Agilent/HP 8702D Lightwave Component Analyzer precisely characterizes the swept modulation frequency response of wide bandwidth fiber optic system elements such as lasers, LEDs, photodiodes and electro-optical modulators. It operates at a fixed wavelength and sweeps the frequency of the intensity modulation signal over the bandwidth you select.
Posted under Agilent/HP, Fiber Analyzers & Certifiers
The WireScope 350 is a Category 6/Class E hand-held network cable analyzer offering color touch screen, outstanding test performance, ease of use and graphic reporting. The WireScope 350 provides comprehensive support for all current and emerging LAN cable certification standards including Category 6 / Class E channel and permanent link. Offering outstanding test performance, ease of use and graphic reporting, the WireScope 350 is the ultimate tool for LAN and cabling professionals.